To that end, we’re publishing information on product, market, and industry trends alongside articles that question the status quo.
If there are other topics you think need exploring, please connect with us and we’ll be happy to put pen to paper (so to speak).
This whitepaper covers:
The desire for both business and personal banking customers to self-serve has never been greater. Fuelled by the digital experiences forced upon us during the global pandemic, our acceptance of – and ability to successfully use – digital platforms has increased significantly, meaning the expectation people have of what ‘good’ looks like online, both in terms of experience and the tasks that can be performed, has changed dramatically.
Covid-19 has significantly transformed our lifestyle on multiple fronts. From the way we do our professional work...
It is impossible to discuss the role of AI in financial services without highlighting that 2020 was hugely disrupted by COVID-19 and the ripple effect is expected to last for years...
During the pandemic, at a time when many SMEs needed their banks’ support the most, they were let down by a major service gap...
Imagine if all financial data could be moved around like trains with pre-defined carriage content on a standard gauge....
The business models and risk management thresholds of financial institutions must be adapted to reflect the broader economic changes that have emerged since COVID-19...
In the first half of 2021, Australians have experienced a major bottleneck in loan application approvals...
The term Open Banking started to gain notoriety in 2016 as a direct result of the UK’s Competitions Market Authority announcing plans for the top 9 banks in the UK to deliver open source APIs for 3rd party use by January 2018...
Open Banking drew global attention in 2016 as a direct result of the UK’s Competitions Market Authority announcing plans for the top 9 banks in the UK...
Digital channels such as online banking and mobile banking apps are the key interfaces between the SMEs and their financial institutions...