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2024 Financial Forecast: Trends and Changes in the Financial Services Sector

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Feb 6, 2024 4:28:29 AM
According to Sandstone Technology’s Chief Customer Officer Jennifer Harris, 2024 will bring a return to ‘normality’ – or the closest we’re likely to get, post pandemic. Jen and colleague Michelle Yu, Chief Product Officer, came together to discuss the question: ‘what does 2024 have in store for financial services organisations?’ Below, we cover regulatory changes, Gen AI, cybersecurity threats and more.
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, AI and Machine Learning, Digital Banking

The year that was: 5 trends that shaped 2023 for financial institutions

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Dec 13, 2023 11:47:42 PM
The pandemic, economic volatility, social and behavioural change, followed by corresponding waves of tech advances - all have had tremendous impacts on financial institutions. With the final weeks of 2023 fast approaching, we look back at the trends that have been re-shaping the finance sector and continue to drive its evolution. 
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, AI and Machine Learning, Digital Banking

What customer-owned banks can teach us about leading with purpose

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Oct 31, 2023 3:04:38 AM
Institutions within the customer owned banking sector are often viewed as followers rather than innovators. There’s a belief that smaller, community-focused providers are not having as significant an impact on consumers as their bigger, publicly-traded counterparts. But these kinds of assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth. 
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

Innovation and sustainability in Financial Services: where to from here?

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Sep 19, 2023 1:30:34 PM
Last month, Sandstone Technology attended the Future of Financial Services conference in Sydney, staged annually by FST Events. The theme was a compelling one: ‘Pioneering Purpose Driven Innovation and Sustainability to Reshape the Future of Financial Services’.
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking, Data & Open Banking, Featured AI and Machine Learning

Preventing the churn in banking: digital customer experience to the rescue

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Aug 30, 2023 6:32:56 PM
As digital natives enter the ranks of customers in their droves and challenger banks emerge with ever more attractive offerings, many financial institutions are facing a hard truth: they can’t bank on loyalty if their customer experience is sub-par. We outline some of the new digital experience imperatives in the battle to stop attrition. 
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

The state of CX: themes from UK’s CX in Financial Services Conference

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Aug 16, 2023 6:02:24 PM
No business today can afford to take their customers for granted. Customer experience has become one of the great differentiators, and leading organisations in the financial sector are already lifting their game.
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

Recurring themes from the UK Banking Transformation Summit 2023

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jul 31, 2023 12:08:10 PM
Banking technology is always on the move. The annual Banking Transformation Summit (BTS) is an opportunity to get some well-rounded perspective on innovation in the marketplace and current thinking at financial institutions across the UK.
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

Rollin’ with Gen Zs and Alphas: what financial institutions need to take on board

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jul 18, 2023 2:02:54 PM
It seems like only yesterday that Millennials were the up-and-comers, their digitally-driven behaviours forcing change in the financial industry. Now it’s Generation Z, half of whom are already adults, and all of whom are digital natives. Meanwhile, the Alpha generation – the under 10s – are hot on their heels. 
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

5 ways financial institutions can boost digital acquisition

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jul 10, 2023 8:51:01 AM
We’re now in a market, post-Covid, where digital expectations have been pushed to new heights. Digital customer acquisition strategies are more important than ever, but financial institutions (FIs) are still seeing too many application dropouts. 
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking, Data & Open Banking

Mobile banking security: 5 serious challenges, and the 7 ways to address them

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Nov 11, 2021 10:14:50 AM
Even before the events of 2020 pandemic, Australian and New Zealand consumers were embracing banking on the go. A RFI global digital banking study shows that 73% of consumers are using a mobile app to do their banking, with a significant increase of 12% over the past two years. The uptake of mobile banking apps has risen dramatically across all demographics, bringing with it new vulnerabilities.
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Topics: mobile and digital banking, Digital Banking

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